Total Weight Gain: 15 pounds - The swelling is in full force. My hands are starting to hurt because they feel so bloated. I've been drinking water like a camel and therefore visiting every bathroom facility in Las Vegas! I've also tried to make a better effort to sit down during the day. It's just not that easy when I'm used to going, going, going all day with Owen.
Nesting: I've made my shopping list and we'll be buying the baby's changing table next week! We're taking our vacation to Disneyland and while we're in California, we'll be going to IKEA. I can't wait -- I always keep a running list of things I want from there and this time the list includes baby items! The idea for the table came from this blogger at Cape 27. It's actually a bookcase. She just turned it on it's side and added drawers to the middle. I like that there will be a changing table in the room while he's tiny, but once we not longer need the changing table it will work perfectly for toy and book storage.
Cravings: I wish I had a real craving. I'm always hungry, but I never have any real strong cravings. Brendon called from work one day this week and asked for fettuccine alfredo for dinner. I was so excited that someone in our family was actually craving something specific. I have been eating a lot of citrus salad and loving the grapefruit flavor.
Maternity Clothes: No, this isn't a photo of my cankles! I chopped off my jeans and made capris. {Yes, I eventually cut them to be even!} It was cold in Shreveport while I was pregnant with Owen, so I have lots of maternity jeans. In Vegas, the weather is warm and jeans just aren't comfortable. I changed 2 pairs of pants into capris and I love them now! I actually think they look better as capris than they did as long pants.

My sewing helper is the cutest! He likes to sit in my lap while I sew and then peek through the back of the machine at me.
Saturday, we went to A Day Out with Thomas... Owen got to ride the REAL Thomas the train! If there's one thing in the world that Owen LoVeS... it's Thomas!
He was so happy but not into taking pictures... he just needed to ride!
When we first boarded the train, Owen was pretty nervous. We were surprised by that. As soon as the train started moving, he immediately became so calm and at one point we thought he might even fall asleep.
He keeps asking us to take him to "the city" (The ride was in Boulder City, NV) to ride the train again.
He got lots of new train cars from the gift shop fell asleep in the car on the way home, still holding onto his new trains!
Back at home, Owen's been doing lots of chores... including watering the rocks.
He's "reading" us books all the time. So far he's just memorized the books, but it's still so much fun to listen to his little voice tell the story. He sounds just like me when he reads!
After meeting Sir Topham Hat on Saturday, he's been wearing his top hat everywhere. This day, I was vacuuming and he wanted to wear his top hat and ear muffs to muffle the noise.
He took a turn vacuuming also and did a pretty good job! Doesn't everyone vacuum in PJs and Toy Story boots?!?
The boots were hand-me downs from my cousin's little boy, Walker, and Owen can't get enough of them. They look ridiculous with his shorts, but he was happy and that's all that matters! He told anyone that commented on his boots that he's a cowboy!
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