Saturday, August 6, 2011

Special Delivery for Owen

Owen got a special delivery this week from Grandma and Grandpa!  I signed for the package and (without saying anything) Owen somehow knew that this HUGE box was for him.  He was squealing and clapping his hands as I pulled the bubble wrap off.  Then, the little man followed me as I took the chair into the living room. Immediately, he sat down and started rocking.

We moved the chair into his room and placed it in front of his books.  It's been so much fun to find him sitting in his chair reading! 

Here's a little video of him and his new favorite chair....


  1. Oh Brittany,
    Thank you for posting this! It really made our night. I am so happy that Owen is able to enjoy this chair as it has been handed down through at least 3 generations that I know of and several children in each generation. Of course, the HUGE box will always be for Owen! (Sorry Brendon)

  2. P.S. Be prepared for another package for Owen
